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Year: 2024

Mommy and Me Groups in Raleigh, North Carolina

Discover Mommy and Me Groups in Raleigh Suppose you are a mother living in Raleigh, North Carolina, or neighboring towns like Apex, Cary, Morrisville, Garner, and Wake Forest. In that case, you might be searching for enjoyable and encouraging ‘Mommy and Me’ groups to join. These groups are not just about bonding time with your

What is the Best Time to go to the Playground?

The Best Time to Take Your Child to the Playground Research shows that children who play outside regularly develop higher levels of intelligence and confidence. However, have you ever considered the optimal time to take your children to the playground? Whether you’re a mom of a toddler or an end grader, understanding the best times for

Impact of Classical Music on Early Childhood

Classical Music and How it Engages Children We have all heard about the Mozart effect and how classical Music can make a genius out of a young child. While some of these claims are a bit misleading, it is undeniable that classical Music can have tremendous positive impacts on a child’s early development.  Impact of
teaching your child to read

Teaching your Child to Read from Birth

Teaching Your Child to Read from an Early Age A child can start reading as soon as they are born; it is an incredible journey. Research has indicated that just 20 minutes of reading per day, starting from birth, can significantly impact a child’s speed-reading capability. This guide will walk you through the process of

Beneficial Activities for Toddlers

Loads of Activities Your child must participate in activities meant to help him develop better. The suitable activities will help your child reach the proper milestones, from physical coordination to cognitive and social abilities. Below is a set of enjoyable and beneficial activities for toddlers (from 1 to 3 years old). Sensory Activities The activities

Milestones your Toddler Should Hit

Toddler Milestones Being a parent and watching your kid grow and change over the years is one of the most fulfilling experiences possible. These first few pivotal years in life lay a child’s foundation for lifelong development. Sorting the developmental stages your toddler should be hitting between the ages of 1 and 3 can help